na INLIS000000000003899 20211125021946 0010-1121000366 ta 211125 0 eng 978-0-7020-6511-8 611 611 GIB M Gibbons, Peter Manupulation of the Spine, Thorax and Pelvis / Peter Gibbons Fouth Edition New York : Elsevier, 2016 xiii, 315 hlm. : Ilus. ; 21 x 28,5 cm. 1. Anatomi - Thorax and Velvis I. Title II. Tehan, Philip III. Flynn, Timothy W. Philip Tehan Timoty W. Flynn Buku ini di Download pada E- Library berjujudul Manupulation of the Spine, Thorax and Pelvis Perpustakaan Jurusan Fisioterapi Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar 007/Perp.FT./XI/2021