na INLIS000000000004527 20220223101109 0010-1221000259 20211229091932 0010-1221000259 ta 220223 | | | 978-3-642-38114-0 615.8'2 615.8'2 V. P V. Geweniger Pilater's A Teachers' Manual : Exercise With Mats and Eguipment for Prevention and Rehabilitation / Geweniger Germany : Springer Medizin, 2014 xvi, 310 hlm. : Ilus. ; 20,5 x 28,5 cm. 1. Piltes - A Teachers, Manual 2. Exercise - Rehabilitation I. Title II. Bohlander, A. A. Bohlander Buku ini membahas tentang Pilates- A Teachers Manual and Exercise - Rehabilitation Perpustakaan Jurusan Fisioterapi Poltekkes Kemenkes Makassar 025/Perp.FT./VIII/2019